Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed, says the Lord, who has compassion on you. - Isaiah 54:10

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Just another Night at the Haitian Queen

As I settle in for the night, I make sure my mosquito net is tucked in correctly so that no mosquitoes can make their way into my domain while I'm asleep.  After checking the net, I proceed to spray OFF (the bug repellent) around the perimeter of my net to deter any hovering mosquitoes.  It is finally time to duck under the netting and make my way up to the 2nd bunk.  It's about 11:00 PM.

As I climb up to the top bunk, I turn to make sure the last bit of netting is tucked behind me.  Someone on staff starts to snore, but I won't mention any names ;)  I lay down and cover up with my sheet, not because I'm hot, but as one more added layer for those little blood-sucking insects.  I try not to move in hopes of staying as cool as possible.  I fall asleep as the dog starts barking.  I look at my clock it's 12:20 AM.  The dog continues to bark until 2:00.  I fall asleep again only to wake up to the rooster crowing about 4:00 AM.  I also notice I'm in a pull of sweat as I lay there.  This has become the norm.  I fall back to sleep until 6:00. 

I could continue to try and sleep in but think twice as I decided to get up and drink some water.  Never thought you could become dehydrated from a night's sleep.  But anything's possible in Haiti!  Just another night at the Haitian Queen.

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