Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed, says the Lord, who has compassion on you. - Isaiah 54:10

Saturday, June 5, 2010


It’s such a simple question, but yet can be so complex. I’ve been thinking about that question this past week starting with the Friday before I left for Haiti. It is a one word question that my 2 year old niece literally asked me 20-25 times during the 2 hours I saw her the day before leaving for Haiti.
Here are some of my “Why” questions during my first week in Haiti:

• Why did the Lord allow me the opportunity to come to Haiti?
• Why are there so many mosquitoes here and what purpose do they serve besides feasting on my ankles?
• Why and how can a Haitian police officer be so joyful even though he and his family have been living in a tent for nearly the past 5 months halfway on the street out of fear that their home will collapse?
• Why am I blessed beyond belief and take things for granted such as clean water, electricity, air conditioning, etc?
• Why do the roosters start crowing at 11 PM and dogs start barking at 12:20 AM?
• Why does our country have a city such as Las Vegas with so much wasted money when it could go to help so many people around the world?
• Why did I not grow up in a row home of tin shacks on the median of a busy road but others have had to?
• Why do I get to take a warm or cool shower at home with clean water when others have to stand in the road-side ditches and use the muddy water?
• Why do I get impatient at a stoplight in the U.S. when there are very few in Haiti often creating mass chaos?
• Why are the spiders (including tarantulas) so HUGE in Haiti?
• Why?

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