Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed, says the Lord, who has compassion on you. - Isaiah 54:10

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Prayer Requests

As I walk around The Haitian Queen, I'm always comforted as there are several verses hanging on the walls that former staff have laminated and made into posters.  It is good to continuously be reminded of God's promises.  The verse above hits home when thinking of the mountains literally having been shaken here.  Yet, God promises that His love for us will never fail or be shaken. 

Prayer Requests:
  • Restful nights.  
  • Continued strength and energy for myself and the team.
  • Continued unity as our team consistently changes and evolves as new staff and volunteers come and go.  (Psalm 133:1)
  • Continued strength, vision, and direction for the leaders of this ministry (particularly Mark Lewis and Kevin Watterson) as they have been traveling back and forth for days to weeks at a time away from their families.
  • That our actions reflect Christ's love as there is often a verbal communication barrier.
  • Peace for Charles' family and himself as they continue to live in a tent out of fear for concrete buildings.  
  • The Holy Spirit would continue to work on the hearts of the Haitian people as churches have been doubling in attendance as a result of the earthquake.  
My first Sunday in Haiti we attempted to go to a church in a nearby city, Leogane, but missed the service as we got lost on our way there.  However, we were able to visit with the pastor where the church has been meeting  under a tent.  He reported 300-500 people coming to 2 different services every Sunday.

I've also heard of another nearby church having 900 people in attendance compared to 500 before the quake. 

This past Sunday we were able to attend a nearby church service at a local ministry called Christianville.  It was AWESOME to hear God being praised in another language.  Philippians 2:11 "and EVERY TONGUE CONFESS that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."   

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